Please Note: The Administrative Excellence initiative has been closed. As of July 18, 2014, this site will not be maintained with project statuses or other updates. For current project information, please refer to the Administrative Process Redesign (APR) site.

Instructional Space Utilization

This team is charged with understanding how instructional space is currently used and developing a plan to more efficiently and effectively use campus space.

Classroom scene with Steve Ackerman

A team seeks to develop a complete data set for instructional space.

The Instructional Space Utilization team has received direction from the AE Steering Committee to explore next steps in developing a plan to more efficiently and effectively use instructional space.


Progress Update

A charter for a Space Utilization pilot in the College of Engineering was approved by the Steering Committee on August 27, 2013 and is available here.

The sponsors accepted the Inventory Data Team’s report on January 30, concluding the planning phase of work. The business owner has now made the data available to campus via the space management web site.

College of Engineering Pilot Development: The team modeled scenarios to explore and measure utilization improvement rates. The team has presented their recommendations and final report to the project sponsors.

View this project’s work products and team members.


Progress to date (PDF).

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